Why I will wait 2 years before deciding to get one of the mRNA Covid vaccines. I believe anyone who is at Hi-risk from Covid should get the vaccine now.
1. The shots only have emergency or Interim approval, not full approval, as yourself why.
2. We do not know about long term harm yet, new side effects are coming out every month. See side effect section below.
3. These new Covid vaccines have far more side effects that our traditional vaccines.
4. I dont want to wait 4 months between doses for the mRNA shots.
5. There is newer and better shots coming out next year.
6. Vaccines are the only product in the world that the manufacturer is immune from liability. Why?
7. Instead of going on with more, read this list of 18 reasons here.
Here is a good list of 18 reasons not to take the vaccines right now. I have a few question about the list, but I think most of it is excellent, so read this rather than me posting more.
The media and here and our health officials say there were no short cuts taken and everything done properly. Not true, the shots were rushed to market. Yes RNA vaccines have been worked on a long time. And the Covid mRNA vaccines could be made quickly using parallel clinical trials, but what you cannot rush is safety and efficacy trials.
It takes years. All you have to do is read all the side effects they are discovering every month as time goes by(see below).
And we had no idea how long they would be effective for, we knew almost nothing, which is why they only got emergency authorization, because the pandemic was considered an emergency
If they weren't rushed they would have full approval. But none of the 4 shots out now have it, they only have "Interim approval" for emergency use, as this shows. Look at the clinical trials, they were cut short by a year or two depending which ones. Example here.
THE VACCINE ONLY HAVE "Emergency Authorization" use. This is the fact sheet for the recipient of the vaccine in the US.
https://www.fda.gov/media/144414/download Page 3 Says "the Pfizer vaccine is an Unapproved vaccine", it only has Emergency Use. It also says "the duration of protection is unknown". Side effects are on page 3 and it shows what they dont know about the vaccine.
This is the Canadian package insert. Page 1 Says the product only has authorization under an "interim" order. Not approval.
Page 13 shows the severe side effects, like some needing intravenous hydration after severe diarrhea, the media wont mention any of this.
Once the vaccines got their emergency approval, the job of the public health officials is to "sell" the shots to us and convince us to take them by whatever means necessary, even if they have to fib a little, like saying the vaccines were not rushed. Example of fibbing here, says no serious adverse reactions. I guess they missed this, she almost died needed CPR, and this. Note the dates of articles.
The clinical trials for both mRNA vaccines had weak endpoints. As this article in the British Medical Journal describes. Here, and here.
https://www.fda.gov/media/144245/download This is the "FDA briefing document" for the Pfizer vaccine. It shows all the things we do not know about this vaccine. Things we would know if the trials had run to completion.
-We dont know if the vaccine is effective for more than a few months. Pages 46 to 48
-We dont know if the vaccine stops transmission of disease or just symptoms. Page 48. (Edit, it is starting to look like they do stop some transmission, not sure how much yet.)
-No data on long term harm of mRNA vaccines.
-Concerns about disease enhancement with waning immunity, see bottom Page 49 at above link. More on this at bottom.
-Can we vaccinate our way out of a pandemic? Many experts are saying no. Is it simplistic to just say vaccinate everyone and the pandemic is gone? What about vaccine effectiveness? We are already seeing these shots are NOT 95% effective like they said in the trials. Vaccines themselves can cause variants Many people do not want to risk these rushed thru shots. Most of the new variants are not working well with the current vaccines. The vaccines are only partially successful at stopping transmission.
Will we have better and safer shots next year? This says "as they learn more, they will be able to 'optimize' the vaccines". I think I will wait and get one of the "optimized" vaccines. They are now working on new shots for the variants and will be out this fall. and here.
Getting both the original vaccine and then later the optimized one may be a problem. Similar vaccines can interfere with each other. Like the 'serial flu shot problem' for example.
So if you really want a shot now, wait for the fall, and by then you probably dont have to wait the ridiculous 4 months between shots they are now doing in Canada
The 2nd dose has worse side effects for the mRNA shots, what will a 3rd "booster" dose do?
-Given how little we know about the vaccine, is it worth the risk if you are at low risk of dying of Covid? In BC where I live, there has been no deaths from Covid under the age of 30 as of March 2021, Here can pick the week.
-We have been asked to totally trust data from one source, that being companies that have raced to be first and will make $Billions. Remember, these companies have all signed deals that absolve them from liability should their vaccines damage you, but they do have liability for other pharmaceuticals, why? They all have criminal records, here.
-Many health care workers are delaying shots as well.
https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/many-frontline-workers-refuse-covid-19-vaccines-distribution-rollout-struggles-n1252617 This says 60% of Front line workers in Ohio are refusing vaccine for now and 50% of front line workers in a county in California are refusing the shot. This says 60% of nursing home workers in North Carolina are refusing shot for now. Same here in texas. And here in Canada, 50% refusing, and here, and says there trying to hide this. -The front line workers are refusing to get the vaccine for now for the same reasons I am. It is not because of mis-information, that is a media boogey-man. No, they looked and saw the same science, or should I say, lack of science and lack of data that I did. There are too many unanswered questions. To me it seems totally irrational, at this point in time, to inject this product into a healthy body that has almost zero risk of dying of Covid. I dont think healthy people under 40 should risk the shots right now. Those over 60 should get the shot, especially over 70 or if you smoke, or over-weight or health issues.
In April, twenty one of the Vancouver Canucks got the P1 Brazil strain of covid. Two weeks later they were back at hockey and won their first game. They recovered fine from the disease.
There is still lots we do not know about the side effects and if they cause long term harm. Or if the shots will cause harm 2 years from now like antibody dependent enhancement.
These covid vaccine appear to have far more side effects than our traditional vaccines do. There new technology for human vaccines, rushed to market.
You see minimal reporting of side effects in the media, other than the rare blood clot issue. "Protect the vaccination program" at all costs.
Here is some of the more common side effects reported.
-Swollen lymph nodes for 2 to 4 weeks after vaccination, mimics cancer symptoms.
-Herpes Zoster shingles rash after vaccination . This study done in Israel on Pfizer shot shows the vaccine can reactivate shingles. Six people in this study did.
-Womens menstrual cycles messed up and heavy periods after vaccination. Here, here, here and here and this says had over 25,000 reports on their study. This shows the disease itself can affect menstrual cycles.
-This from JAMA shows 1 in 90 are vomiting after their 2nd shot and even more with diarrhea, see table.
-Many cases of Bells Palsy, here for example.
-VAERS is showing many side effects, see here. These are not verified, but there is also huge under-reporting to VAERS. The US Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System. Includes 2600 deaths reported so far, the CDC deny's them of course.
-Canda's adverse event reporting system, similar to VAERS, shows 3738 events reported with 529 of them serious, and 38 deaths under investigation, as of April 2021.
This women died in April from blood clots from AZ vaccine in Quebec April 28/21.
-This article in Times of Israel says there has been 62 cases of myocarditis (inflamation of the heart muscle) from the Pfizer shots 2nd dose in men under age 30 with 2 deaths. Says not seen much of this yet because most countries not on 2nd dose for young people yet (and many are refusing shot).
This article says the cases of myocarditis are 1 in 20,000. And here from Reuters
This says (note, this link is a so-called anti-vax site, but one of the best ones) and are showing the VAERS reports and you can verify) there has been 23 cases of myocarditis reported to VAERS after Pfizer shot in the US.(VAERS has 90% under-reporting)
-Anaphylaxis This Mar 8/21 study from JAMA, says is 2.47 cases of anaphylaxis per 10,000 for the mRNA shots, or 1.2 per 5,000 Much more than the CDC says.
This is proof once again of how much under-reporting there is to VAERS. This from the CDC says according to VAERS says is 2.5 cases of anaphylaxis per million, gross under-reporting. This from the BC CDC says(2019) risk of anaphylaxis from our old vaccines is about .4 to 1.8 cases in a million or about 1 in a million. The Covid shots are much worse.
-Blood clots, CVST, and deaths reported, first for the AstraZeneca vaccine and the J&J, and then we find it is for all the emergency approved vaccines. This says risk of clots 1 in 25,000, this says risk of clots is one in 40,000, this at minutes 37:45 and at min 54:50 from EMA says risk of clots is 1 to 2 per 100,000, that is up to 1 in 50,000, and says is strong association at min 43:00. This says risk of blood clots is same for mRNA vaccines as well, study linked to in article. Yet our health official in BC on April 20 said blood clots risk from AZ shot was 4 per million, not true. ER's swamped here.
-To summarize risk of deadly side effects.
-Blood clots, 1 in 25,000 to 1 in 50,000
-Anaphylaxis risk 1.2 per 5000
-Myocarditis risk 1 in 20,000
-Risk of paralysis of some type- Unknown
-Many schools have to close for a day or two after they vaccinate all the teachers because so many off work sick with side effects, here here here.
-Read this April 21 New York Times article, shows shots not stop transmission, many of the cases were asymptomatic, Pfizer shot only 66% effective in the residents, and 76% for the employees.
-This article says 168 fully vaccinated in Oregon test positive for Covid, 11% were hospitalized and 3 died.
-This article, CDC says there have been 5800 cases of fully vaccinated getting covid and 396 where hospitalized and 74 died out of 78 million vaccinated. There is probably alot more that the CDC not know about.
-This article says first dose after 2 weeks was 0% effective in residents and 17% in HCW's. Then more than a week after 2nd dose of Pfizer shot, it went up to 64% and 90% for residents and HCW's. Is Feb 2021 study, study linked at bottom of article.
-This May 2021 study in NEJM says Pfizer shot only 29.5% effective for 1st dose and 54% effective at preventing severe outcomes. And 2nd dose 87 to 80% effective and then says is 100% effective at preventing severe outcomes, but we know that is not true, like here for ex, says 168 test positive 11% hospitalized and 3 deaths from covid after 2nd dose.
This is a article on abover study.
-Getting a 2nd dose, if you had Covid, is more dangerous to you. Should only get one shot, studies show that is all you need, and here, more side effects as well.
It sounds like the new variants are making Covid more dangerous for younger people. This is hard to verify yet because as we know "the first causality of war is the truth", I have seen a lot of lying going on.
-This study by NIAD says "those who had Covid infection have good natural immunity to all known strains of covid, S Africa, Brazil, UK". Natural infection is better it appears. Says study has been peer reviewed. Our health officials and media ignore this.
-This article quotes study that says “the mRNA vaccines are 4 to 7 fold less effective against the P1 Brazil variant, and 6 to 8 fold less effective against the B.1.351 S African variant.
-This study says Conclusion "says the AZ vaccine not work against the B.1.351 S African variant".
-This article quotes small study in Israel says you're 8 times more likely to get the S African variant if have Pfizer vaccine than a unvaccinated person. Pfizer not work on this variant.
-The Vaccines may cause new variants, and here.
-More on "Vaccine Disease Enhancement".
And Antibody dependent enhancement.
How likely is it? The FDA briefing document, page 49, says "however, risk of vaccine-enhanced disease over time, potentially associated with waning immunity, remains unknown and needs to be evaluated further in ongoing clinical trials".
And here, an ad hoc WHO expert work group is also concerned about vaccine enhanced disease. After SARS they tried to make a Corona Virus vaccine. As this analysis of 4 vaccine with different technologies shows, they all caused disease enhancement in lab animals, and the vaccines were abandoned. Here as well. This 2007 study talks about a RSV vaccine they worked on that caused dangerous disease enhancement in children and says this is why there is no RSV vaccine yet.
Our officials, they dont want to hear about it. "This is a pandemic, we need a vaccine, cross your fingers and hope for the best". Remember the Dengue vaccine which they spent 15 or more years developing, it caused disease enhancement in the Philippines a couple years ago killing many children. Can read about it here, here, and here. And this from the WHO, https://www.who.int/news-room/q-a-detail/dengue-vaccines Click the 4th point down, it shows that it can take over 30 months for this problem to materialize.
Health Officials, so with this all the other problems, can you now understand why some of us want to wait a year or 2? It has nothing to do with anti-vaxx, it just seems like common sense to me.
-"GET THE SHOTS TO PROTECT OTHERS", why, doesn't there vaccine work? I should blindly take a medication because the government says "it is for the greater good?
No, I say that is nonsense. I should put a bar code on my neck if they say so, for the greater good, right?
Anyways if these shots do not stop transmission of disease, me getting a shot will do you little good, I could become an asymptomatic carrier, which is more dangerous, because if I knew I was sick I would stay home.